KAM Club France

Created in 2018, the KAM Club France is a Think Tank for Heads of Key Account Management or other executives or senior managers in charge of KAM/GAM in their organisation.

The KAM Club France offers a confidential forum to share experience and discuss topics of interest to members without any form of commercial bias.

Membership is free and is based on invitation or on expressing a personal interest. A Charter, communicated to all participants,  defines the rules of engagement and warranties legal compliance and confidentiality.

Meetings are held on a quarterly basis either face-to-face in Paris or remotely. Topics for discussion are selected by participants prior to each session. Non-member guests with a special area of expertise can be invited to join a session.

If you are interested at becoming a member, Please contact Olivier Riviere via this web site or at or@kam-with-passion.com